How Do You Reward Yourself?

Hello! January Whole30 is over & I’m feeling GREAT!! My little reward to myself for staying on the program was a new sports bra from lululemon! I’m so excited for it to arrive!! I decided to try a different style—it’s the “lighten up” bra!

So, what’s next? I’ve decided that since I’ve been feeling so good (minimal headaches and more energy) I’ll continue this adventure towards a better relationship with food, with some modifications! For February, I’ve decided to go through and pick days to have sweet treats— my brother’s birthday (The Cheesecake Factory), CrossFit Competition Day (Sugar Shack Donuts), and Valentine’s Day (chocolate everything) for sure. Chocolate chip pancakes or waffles with be an occasional weekend breakfast. We really like Juli Bauer’s 3 ingredient pancakes or fluffy blueberry pancakes.

3 Ingredient Pancakes.png

3 Ingredient Pancakes from PaleOMG

JB’s tortillas will also make an appearance for breakfast tacos! You can find the recipe for tortillas in Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook. SO DELISH! Thanks, Mom Jeans (don’t get offended by the nickname, my friend loves it!) for getting me hooked on those! 😛 And, the last planned meal also comes from JB’s latest cookbook, Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook, pizza!

My meal plan for this week is pretty simple, and I’m loving it! We always have leftovers for lunch!

B: Breakfast tacos
D: lamb burgers, potato wedges, salad

B: breakfast casserole
D: CopyCat Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana (Paleo Style)

B: breakfast casserole
D: leftovers

B: bacon, eggs, fruit
D: cauliflower chicken casserole with green beans

B: chicken sausage, eggs, fruit
D: The Cheesecake Factory with the Fam!

What does your meal plan for the week look like?

I learned a lot about food on Whole30. I wish more people would adopt the mindset that food is fuel for our bodies and not something to indulge in during every meal, every day. There are situations where it’s expected for everyone to follow suit and go with the flow. For example, I went to a birthday party and politely declined the cake. Everyone was in shock. I couldn’t decide if that was because they knew I loved cake/sugar or if it was because I was choosing to be different. The point is: I survived and I’m better for it. I’m going to do my best to keep my sugar dragon under control!

Are you interested in doing a Whole30? Here are some tips that I believe helped me to be successful!

-Plan ahead. Everything. Plan out meals and snacks for the week. Make a detailed grocery list and take that to the store. Pack snacks for road tips, commute to work/gym/anywhere you’re going. You’re more likely to go off the program when you’re hangry. I started keeping snacks like lara bars, beef sticks, fruit pouches, etc in my gym bag and purse so that I would always have a healthy option close by. You don’t want to be stuck in traffic looking at billboards for Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. You. Just. Don’t. BE PREPARED!

-Remember: You’re stronger than you think. You can resist food samples, cake at birthday parties, bread at restaurants, AND SO MUCH MORE. If you have a bad day, you don’t need a beer or a bar of chocolate. Get your butt in the gym and then kick the next day in the face! Do not let a bad day bring you down, you are stronger than that.

-Do it with a friend! Having someone to hold you accountable can make all of the difference! Tell your family, spouse, coworkers, etc. My friend, Mom Jeans, and I did it together! Our daily texts were quite hysterical, but supportive nonetheless. Luckily for me, my husband was super also supportive. He was always sure to ask if he could devour a bag of potato chips or snickers bar while sitting on the couch beside me. I only threatened his life a few times. 😉 Seriously though, I’m thankful for his support!

I survived a trip to Texas, birthday parties, a road trip to Boston, and dinner parties with friends.

What are your goals or challenges for February? Do you have a rewards system in place? A new article of clothing or a trip to the spa sounds like an excellent reward!  No matter how big or small, I urge you to set a goal to attain in February! You can do it!

Let’s go Front Squat,




As Winter Storm Jonas was rolling in on the East Coast, grocery stores were packed full of people buying snow shovels, bottled water, bread, milk, AND ALL SORTS OF SUGARY/PROCESSED JUNK. I was in total disbelief at the sights while trying to buy some eggs and bananas (because we were out and in need of breakfast staples). But, don’t worry, this is not a blog post about nutrition and my current Whole30. This is about a boy and a girl who acquired tickets to the Kill Cliff East Coast Championships at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston, MA from friends who couldn’t make the trip.


My husband and I made a pros and cons list, in Ted Mosby fashion, to help make our decision to take the trip to Boston. We decided to leave before the storm was predicted to arrive. Our #snowmageddonroadtrip began at 6am on Friday, January 22nd, 2016. We arrived in Boston about 9 hours later.


Friday Night

After checking in to our hotel, we went to Nike Boston for an athlete Q&A. Athletes featured included: Cole Sager, Mat Fraser, Sara Sigmundsdottir, and…(drum roll, please)…LAUREN FISHER!!! If you do not know who that is, google her immediately. You won’t be sorry. I love and admire everything that she stands for. She’s a super talented CrossFit athlete and Olympic Weightlifter.  After the event, I was able to meet her and grab a quick photo with her! (Thank you, Husband!!) I had dreamed of meeting her for two years! The moment was so surreal. Then we went to the Atlantic Fish Company for a delicious seafood dinner. We started with bacon wrapped scallops. YUM! I had pan seared scallops, steamed new potatoes, and broccoli. My husband had crab crusted haddock, smashed potatoes, and asparagus. All in all, our first night in Boston was a success!

RH&LF Nike Boston

Lauren Fisher and I – Nike Boston



We woke up early and went back to Nike Boston where we were able to participate in a workout while trying out the Nike Metcon 2’s! I would love to have a pair of the Metcons that Lauren Fisher designed! Maybe one day!! After the workout, we had brunch at City Table. My loving husband inhaled pancakes while I stayed on Whole30 with scrambled eggs, roasted potatoes, sausage, and fruit. It didn’t even bother me, probably because I knew I would see Lauren Fisher (and other badass athletes) shortly. It was finally time to go to the Kill Cliff East Coast Championships (KCECC)! I have so much respect for the hard work and dedication from these athletes. Lauren Fisher and CJ Cummins performed a spectacular Clean and Jerk demo before Event 2. I love watching LF lift, she’s incredible! CJ Cummins is an Olympic Weightlifter. He got a PR on his C&J as he lifted in the spotlight on the platform in front of a cheering crowd. He lifted an impressive 345 pounds! Whoops, I left out two important facts: 1) he power cleaned it AND 2) he’s 15 years old. Yep, FIFTEEN. Now let that soak in for a second. The individual competition was intense. Mat Fraser took the top spot on the podium, for the third year in a row. Sara Sigmundsdottir took the top spot for the women, for the second year in a row. I had the pleasure of getting photos with both of those awesome athletes. (Thank you again, Husband) My husband also snapped photos of me with Brooke Ence, Annie Thorisdottir, and again with Lauren Fisher!! Lauren Fisher also autographed my “The Truth” tank top! I may frame it!


Mat Fraser (KCECC Men’s Champion), Sara Sigmundsdottir (KCECC Women’s Champion), Annie Thorisdottir (Iceland Annie/2011&2012 CrossFit Games Champion), and Brooke Ence (CrossFit Games Athlete)

ECC Photo Collage

As we walked out of the Seaport World Trade Center, the roads were covered in snow! We were parked in a parking garage, so we didn’t have to spend time digging our car out! Luckily, Boston was prepared! We spent the rest of the evening at our hotel enjoying the snow and anticipating the next day!



After breakfast at a cute little diner, we went back to the Seaport World Trade Center for the final day of the KCECC. It was time for the teams to compete! This was my first time watching Lauren Fisher compete in person. I wore a Rogue LF shirt with a lightweight #GrownStrong hoodie to support my girl (and Team Progenx)! We had excellent views during the competition, front row to all of our favorite athletes. I was standing so close to Lauren Fisher as she was competing. So close that I could smell her as she was running of the Trueform Runner. In case you’re wondering, she smells like sweat. 😛


Now we’re an hour into our #snowmageddonroadtrippart2. The interstates are clear and the snowy views are breathtaking. We are heading home! Home with stories, videos, photos, and memories of our time spent at the KCECC. This was such an incredible weekend, and I’m thankful that I was able to experience every second of it with my Husband. Cheers to visiting new states…together! I love adventures with my Husband!


Who is your favorite athlete and why? In case you couldn’t tell, my favorite athlete is Lauren Fisher.

PS: I stayed on the Whole30 program during the #snowmageddonroadtrip. We stayed at a DoubleTree by Hilton, a little piece of me was sad when the receptionist handed me two warm cookies. Less than a week to go!


Do you want to build a snowman?!


The Best Year Yet!

Hello Readers! January 2016 is here!!! Wait, is that correct?! It’s certainly hard to believe, where did 2015 go?! What were you doing when the ball dropped? Do you have any New Years resolutions? What goals did you set for 2016? I’d love to hear all about them and help keep you motivated in the coming months! Feel free to make a post in the comments section with your #goalz!

I started a Whole 30 with some friends on January 1st. This is not my first, and it’s going surprisingly well in comparison to the other times. I think it’s because I indulged in all sorts of junk food over the holidays and my body was just simply ready for a change. Regardless, I’m over halfway there, today is day 19. Don’t get me wrong, there were some rocky patches, days full of food funk, and little to no energy. My little (okay, HUGE) Sugar Demon is under control and I’m feeling great!! For real, I’ve denied doughnuts and even had to reject samples of all sorts of food. If you know me, you know I love chocolate. You’re probably even thinking to yourself, “I know you’ve been struggling to stay away from chocolate almond milk, well chocolate in general.” Truth be told, of course I miss my favorite food group –chocolate (it’s practically the bottom level of my food pyramid)– but this round of Whole 30 is truly helping me evaluate my relationship with food and view food as fuel to nourish my body. Thus far, I’ve experienced having food put right in my face from my mother, older brother, friends, and complete strangers (the lady giving out samples in Kroger). It’s out of control. Don’t get me wrong, I love samples, and ALL FOOD, just as much as the next person. But, where do we draw the line? Sorry Mom, I’m sure the banana nut muffins were delicious and actually, probably one of the healthiest foods you’ve ever offered me. One of the toughest days was day 11. My older brother took me out to lunch at The Cheesecake Factory before dropping me off at the airport. Turning down “a slice of cheesecake for the plane ride” as my brother called it, was not difficult for me. I knew I had plenty of snacks packed for the trip and didn’t want a headache from sugar. That was when I knew I was in control of the Sugar Demon that once ruled my life.

Along with having a better relationship with food, some of my fitness goals for 2016 include (listed in no particular order):
– get a muscle-up
– learn how to do pistols (single leg squat)…squats are my absolute favorite, why can’t I squat on one leg?!
– increase 1RM on all lifts, especially the snatch
– learn to handstand walk
– swim more
Photo Credit: Lauren Price at Natural Bliss Photography
Is everyone motivated to workout?! I know I am! I love our new gym! It’s amazing! Dig deep and find that motivation to workout! You’ll thank yourself for it later!! What time do you prefer to get your workout in? I struggle with early morning workouts, but I’ll do it if that’s the only option for a workout for that day. I prefer lunchtime workouts. They can break up the monotony of a long work day. I also lived the life of working out after work! Those were great times, such a great stress reliever- knowing you were finished with work for the day and able to go lift heavy weights. Schedule a time to workout, pack your gym bag, and go get it! Make 2016 the best year yet!! Share your fitness goals in the comments section!
Speaking of fitness (and bettering my relationship with food), I’m not going to justify treating myself to bad food just because I had a hard workout that day. It definitely cancels out the workout and sets you up for poor choices. I’m going to evaluate recipes more, and hopefully be able to cut out sweeteners of all kinds to limit my exposure to the downward spiral. Don’t get me wrong, there will be an occasional Sugar Shack Donut or VooDoo Doughnut (when I find myself in ATX), or something special, every once in a while. It’s just going to be limited. I would encourage you to do the same. Maybe trying a Whole 30 would help you get to that mindset. Or…maybe I’m insane from a lack of sugary goodness the 19 days. That’s definitely a possibility but I’ll let you decide that for yourself.
My last tip for fitness, then I’ll get off my soapbox. MOBILITY. MOBILITY. MOBILITY. and RECOVERY. It’s important. Foam roll, yoga, banded stretches, salt baths, massages, etc. Any and all of these recommendations. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Oh, and in case you were wondering if I was going to share what I was doing when the ball dropped, I’ll spill. I won’t leave you hanging. I spent the night with a dear friend from college at her family’s house, and our husbands. My friend and I kept our tradition alive by changing outfits every hour on the hour. The 11 o’clock hour is always my favorite…ONESIES! and YES, if you know us, you know we also slide down the stairs, in a train like fashion in our onesies! Seriously, such fun times. (I’m just thankful that my husband loves my goofy self.)
Let’s Go Squat,